1·He selects Noah due to his righteousness and he issues a direct command to build an ark.
2·It also warned that other groups outside its direct command may not respect the ceasefire.
3·He was asked to take command and direct operations.
—— 《牛津词典》
4·This command set the datasource name along with the values required to access the database repository using a direct JDBC connection.
5·IaaS has been used as Command and Control centers to direct operations of a botnet for use in malicious updates of the infrastructure within and across the virtual machines.
6·Data protection includes risk mitigation of the PaaS as command and control centers to direct operations of a botnet for use in installing malware applications.
7·SBC defines the command set extensions to facilitate operation of SCSI direct-access block devices.
SBC 定义命令集扩展,以方便操作 SCSI 直接访问块设备。
8·Listing 4 is a simple Python command-line program that adds a software entry file using the direct SOAP API.
清单4是一个简单的Python命令行程序,用直接的SOAP API添加软件条目文件。
9·In 1635 the Manchu's Mongolian Allies were fully incorporated into a separate Banner hierarchy under direct Manchu command.
10·Between the 360 square metres large office wing, over the loading bays it is reminiscent of a command bridge, and the stockroom there is direct intervisibility.